- Salsa Beginners 101 - Tuesday 6:15pm - Starting 22 November
''Free 1st Class applies on this Start date only"
A Free Beginners class is designed for any new dancer, Free on Tuesday, no partner needed and you can come try it out. You can try the Salsa Class out then decide to buy our special beginner deal which ends midnight, other discount options available too
...... register here >
- Salsa Improver/Intermediate 207 - Tuesday 7:30pm - Starts 22 Nov - Salsa Improver/Intermediate 204 - Thursday 6:15pm - Starts 24 Nov Two Improver/Intermediate courses start on Tuesday & Thursday. If you are above beginners and have graded any time, you can join in any imp/int course from 201-208, no need to register, your name is automatically added to the next level. To learn more content consider taking both Tuesday & Thursday courses as each module has different content. ... more about these classes here >
- Salsa On2 (Mambo) Imp/Int - Tuesday 8:30pm - Starts 22 Nov
This class will be a pure Mambo Conversion class with Mambo shines on Tuesday 22 November is open for anyone that has passed a beginner grading and considering pushing above Intermediate. Ideal class if you are considering pushing to Inter/Advanced and have been in lower levels for 6months or more please chat to a teacher before, during or after this class. This is the gateway to enter Salsa Intermediate/ Advanced which starts the week after. ... more about this class here >
- Salsa Performance - Thurs 8:30pm - Starts 24 Nov 'FREE Class to try on this start date' A New Salsa performance course starts this year which leads to 2023 and potential performances in Festivals. If you are are any level of improvers through to advanced and have done a beginner grading you are welcome to try this course out. No obligation to perform. No need to register if you are a Salsa Latina Student. If you are from another dance school please contact us first before joining, you might need assessment or grading prior to joining. .. more details here >