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SLA Newsletter & Blog: 29-July-2024

Writer's picture: Salsa LatinaSalsa Latina

Updated: Jul 29, 2024

Hola Dance Amigos & Students! We have another exciting week ahead with a Cha Cha Class on Thursday, Salsa On1 Workshop on Saturday followed by our Salsa Night Fever Party, be sure to join this weekend because there is a few weeks wait before the next one, this is due to Hanmer Salsa Festival ..... see details below

Salsa & Cha Cha Dancers

• Cha Cha Conversion Class - This Thursday

As part of the Salsa Improver-Intermediate level, Mambo and Cha Cha are also covered in certain classes, as these dance styles are derived from Salsa & vice versa they are crucial to grasp. Therefore, if you are currently attending in the Thursday Salsa class at 7:30 pm, you will delve deeper into understanding more about the music and Cha Cha rythyms. If you are at a more advanced level and interested in joining, you are welcome to jump in. ... more about our modules here >

• 3 New Salsa Courses - All Starting NEXT Week: Next week marks the start of an exciting series of 3 New Salsa Courses, introducing 3 new levels tailored to suit dancers with different levels. One of these new classes is a Salsa beginner 8-week course beginning on Thursdays, providing a perfect starting point for newcomers to learn Salsa. Don't miss the chance to bring a friend along and join in the fun! Additionally, the 1st week is free for both new beginners and current students in higher levels, ensuring that everyone can have fun dancing with their friends.. ..see newsletter for start dates here >

• Salsa 101 Grading - This Thursday

A Salsa Beginner grading is available this Thursday 6:15pm for anyone who wishes to grade for the next level and for those who wish to redo a grading ... read more >

• Saturday Night Salsa On1 Workshops - This Saturday

This non-syllabus class will be the last  pre-party session until mid september due to other events & competitions. If you are and Intermediate level, you are invited to join as well, as this class serves as an excellent segue into our social nights immediately following. Unfortunately, beginners, this class is not yet suitable for you, as it requires a Salsa 101 grading for entry. If you have experience and above a beginner pleaes chat to us, we are more lenient for entry on these classes .... see workshop dates & details >

• Salsa Night Fever  - This Saturday! Don't miss the party happening this Saturday! Note there will be no Salsa Night Fever on the 17 August due to the Hanmer Salsa Festival. So make the most of this evening of dancing, providing a valuable opportunity for you to improve and practice your dance skills. If you're new to dancing, but have graded in Salsa, consider joining the workshop before the party. It's a perfect way for budding Intermediate dancers to ease into the night of festivities..... more dates and information here >

• Hanmer Salsa Winter Fest - 18 Day Countdown

An incredible weekend getaway event is scheduled for 16th-18th August, designed for participants at Intermediate levels and higher, featuring numerous dance workshops in Salsa and Bachata. Benefit from the expertise of renowned Australian instructors and be part of a memorable event filled with parties, hot pools, and plenty of fun! Full passes grant access to all workshops and parties, so make sure to secure yours before they run out, currently there are fewer than 37 tickets left. Alternatively, if you only want to attend the parties, there are unlimited tickets available for discount now, but prices will go up soon, so don't miss out ... Hanmer Salsa Festival Website > • Lastest Newsletter

Read the full scoop and see whats on this week and whats coming soon, on our latest Newsletter, click below.

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