Bachata Beginner 101 Grading: Monday 9th September 2024
Congratulations to all Beginner Bachata students who took on the challenge of the Beginners 101 Grading in order to advance to the next level.
For this group of new dancers, the pass rate for this class was an impressive 95%, allowing most of them to progress to the next level(s). Congratulations! It's exciting to report that 8 of the Bachata dance students have attained "platinum grades" &/or special awards, while the majority of the class also received high marks overall. This is a remarkable accomplishment, and we are eager to see this group excel in the next level!

☆ Special Awards
Congratulations to these Students;
• Jason Fogarty - Most Improved Award
• Hugh Worrall - Best Lead Award
• Annie Huang - Best Follow Award
• Daria - Highest Grade Award
All students who participated in the grading will have now received information containing their results. If you haven't received your email, please ensure your spam filter is working correctly and contact us as soon as possible.
Member Awards
- Automatic Badge Awards are attached to member profiles directly from the online grading system, this can't be added retrospectively so it would pay to join prior to any grading, it's free to join & its free and takes seconds to log-in
- Awards for 5 star inc: Connection, Lead & Follow, Shines & Timing - Platinum Badge Awards (Diamonds)
Dance Growth
To continue improving, we recommend a combination of practice, online classes, private lessons, group classes, and social dancing. This is especially true for Beginner lessons, which are designed to be repeated. No matter your level, there are always areas for improvement and practice through training. The exciting part is that there is always room for growth, and we want to support you in your dance journey by helping you reach your maximum potential. It's always beneficial to receive feedback on areas that need work to improve. We recommend the Ultimate Training Program >
☆ Gradings for Progression
Gradings are also designed to help improve you fundamental level, so If you didn't get a platinum grade on the first attempt this is actually normal for most 90% of people who are new to dance. You can always improve your fundamentals in beginner classes or get help in the areas of weakness with private lessons and then resit a future grading.
In order to advance to higher levels in Salsa, & Bachata , a graded pass is mandatory. Salsa Latina is a pioneer in the 'Street Latin' dance industry in New Zealand and has introduced "Group gradings" as a means of elevating students to higher levels. This approach has resulted in several benefits, including the assurance that dancers are at the appropriate level, identifying areas of weakness and strength for improvement, and maintaining a higher standard in the higher levels. Since 2020, this approach has had a significant positive impact on classes, improving the quality while challenging dancers and increasing enjoyment for everyone. We encourage other dance schools to follow our lead and adopt the same approach to raise the standard throughout New Zealand. For more information on gradings, please refer to the link provided. ....see more information on gradings here >